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If you haven't received the verification email in your inbox, we recommend checking your spam or junk folder. Sometimes, our emails may be filtered there by mistake. If you still can't find it, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.

To browse and search for courses on the website, you have two options:

Using the Search Bar: There is a search bar located at the top of the website. Simply type in keywords related to the course you're looking for, such as the course name, topic, or instructor's name. The search results will display relevant courses based on your search query.

Scrolling Down: Alternatively, you can scroll down on the main page to explore the available courses. Courses are organized into categories or sections, making it easy to find the ones that interest you. Each course card will provide a brief overview, and you can click on a course to get more detailed information.

Yes, you can! Simply click on the course you're interested in. On the course page, you'll find both an 'Overview' section and a 'Curriculum' section. These sections provide detailed information about the course content, including what topics are covered and what you'll learn. This allows you to explore the course content before making a decision to enroll.

Course Selection: Click on the course you want to enroll in. You'll find it on the right-hand side of the page.

Add to Cart: Once you've chosen your course, locate the 'Add to Cart' option next to it. Click on this option, and your selected course will be added to your cart.

Accessing the Cart: Your cart icon is located at the top of the page, along with the 'Login' and 'Join Now' buttons. Hover your mouse over the cart icon.

Proceed to Checkout: When you hover over the cart icon, you'll see a 'Checkout' option. Click on 'Checkout' to proceed.

Payment Process: On the next page, click 'Continue to Payment'. If you're new to the website and don't have an account, you'll need to sign up.

Sign Up: Click the 'Join Now' or 'Sign Up' button. Provide your information, including your first name, last name, email, and the password you'd like to use.

Completion: Once you've filled in your details, click 'Proceed' or 'Continue'. Follow any additional prompts to complete the enrollment process and make your payment.

That's it! You're now enrolled in the course and ready to start your learning journey.

Currently, we offer offline payment methods such as JazzCash, EasyPaisa, and bank transfers. In the near future, we plan to introduce credit/debit card payment options as well.

For now, the process is as follows:

1.Choose Payment Method: Select your preferred payment method from the options available, such as JazzCash, EasyPaisa, or bank transfer.

2.Payment Submission: Initiate the payment as per the chosen method. You can do this through the provided account details.

3.Send Payment Confirmation: Once you've made the payment, take a screenshot of the transaction confirmation.

4.Share Transaction Details: Send the payment screenshot to the provided WhatsApp number along with any necessary details, such as your name and the course you're enrolling in.

5.Access Granted: Once we receive your payment confirmation, we will promptly grant you access to the course.

Please note that while we currently support offline methods, we are actively working to expand our payment options to include credit/debit card payments to offer you more convenience.

We are committed to providing you with a lifetime of learning. Once you enroll in a course, you'll enjoy perpetual access, allowing you to learn at your own pace and revisit the materials whenever you need. Your journey of knowledge doesn't have an expiration date. With lifetime access, you can immerse yourself in the course content, master the concepts, and continue to grow, all on your own terms.

Yes, you can download all the resources, including Excel sheets, CAD files, PDF files, and more.

Feel free to reach out to us anytime for assistance. You can contact us via the provided email or even on WhatsApp. We're here to help and ensure that your learning experience is smooth and enjoyable

Yes, we provide certificates of completion for all courses, including free ones.

Click on 'Join Now,' fill in the required information such as your first name, last name, email address, and your desired password. Then, simply click on 'Sign Up' to complete the process.